Company Overview

TRAINING SSCSWORLD is part of SSCS INFOTECH PVT LTD and SSCSWORLD that is offshore software Development Company

We aim to provide manuals, self-help books and guide books that can improve the quality of your education. Each is written by an expert in his or her field and can be downloaded as an e-book.
Company Overview

TRAINING SSCSWORLD is a division of SSCS INFOTECH PVT LTD. and SSCSWORLD, An International Web development and Software Development Company. We are the professional class Training Institute in Durgapore, Chandigarh and Kolkata with a vision to open the branches and franchise all across India and Abroad.
TRAINING SSCSWORLD provides the world class facility at the coaching labs, the institute has state of the art infrastructure, full access to internet for all students, fully loaded computers with high speed Intel powered processors and above all highly educated and experienced training faculty cum programmers. Learning from an expert makes all the difference.


Our training classes are solely. focusing on technology and trends that are highly in demand so when a student completes our course, they won't have to wait for a job, the employers will come and find them. TRAINING SSCSWORLD is part of SSCS INFOTECH PVT LTD and SSCSWORLD that is offshore software Development Company; being in the industry we can teach the insights of the technology that is highly in demand through our experienced programmers cum faculty members.


Academy Training Features:
High-standards of training process by experienced industry professionals
Hands-on soft skills development for new and experienced students
One-on-one interaction with each student; personal workstations; personal URL; live FTP access
Anytime broadband internet access, all work to be done online for live experience
Convenient 'on floor' practice facility available for all students
Practical sessions at work stations and labs training carried on projectors for real application feel
Regularly updated course material to offer the latest and train with latest technologies
A resourceful library (reference books, e-books) at disposal for students
Involvement in 'real life international projects' working on site on client projects
Weekend classes for working participants as well special personality development classes
Advanced web servers to host your work and profile

News & Conference

PHP | OSI Days 2010: Participate at the confluence of PHP's finest!

PHP | OSI Days 2010 is the premier PHP conference being organised at Asia's largest Open Source Conference - OSI Days 2010. We invite you to come and lead a tutorial / session or participate in Panel Discussions at OSI Days 2010 specifically for the PHP domain. The last date for submitting a proposal for the conference is 15th June 2010. The conference is scheduled for September 19-21, 2010 at Chennai, India.

ZendCon 2010!

The 6th Annual Zend/PHP Conference will bring together PHP developers and IT managers from around the world to discuss PHP best practices and explore new technologies.
