Course Fees

We aim to provide manuals, self-help books and guide books that can improve the quality of your education. Each is written by an expert in his or her field and can be downloaded as an e-book.
Corresponding Training Costs
3 months
3 Classes/ week
Rs. 5,000
Programming Microsoft .NET with VB.NET
3 months
3 Classes/ week
2 months
3 Classes/ week
Rs. 4,000
Web Design
3 months
3 Classes/ week
Rs. 5,000
Search Engine Optimization
2 months
3 Classes/ week
Rs. 4,000
Web Server Management
2 months
3 Classes/ week
Rs. 6,000
Live Online Projects
3 months
4 Classes/ week
Short Term Training Programmes
1 months
5 Classes/ week
Rs. 4,000
Facilities Provided
    1. Installment facilities available
    2. Classes consisting 1 hour of theory and 1 hour of lab per class
    3. Internet facility
    4. Training under best faculties
    5. Library (Latest Magazine, CDs, online tutorial)
    6. Every Courses are conducted as Classroom Training and with Assignments
    7. Faculty of experienced Developers
    8. "Assignments Based" training provides hands on experience
    9. Embedding Core Concepts (emphasis on design decision skills)
    10. Design Patterns (develop efficient team communication skills)
    11. Course Duration typically, two times longer than similar courses offered by other training institutes. (Reinforcing concepts)
    12. We provide 100% Placement Assistance (Preparation of tests and Interviews).
* Conditions Apply