Web Design

Asthetic sense of design, creative visualization, knowledge of basic computer operating as well basic knowledge of internet is helpful .

We aim to provide manuals, self-help books and guide books that can improve the quality of your education. Each is written by an expert in his or her field and can be downloaded as an e-book.
This program consists of eight required modules.
Our courses are designed by experienced market leaders and taking up the new technology to help you get maximum benefits from the courses.Asthetic sense of design, creative visualization, knowledge of basic computer operating as well some additional knowledge of internet is helpful
  1. Photoshop Basics
    1. Select, Enhance, Distort, Color, Scale, and Manipulate Scanned Images
    2. Create Images From Scratch

  2. XHTML and CSS
    1. Structure with XHTML
    2. Dictate the Look of Page Elements with CSS
    3. Web Standards

  3. Dreamweaver I
    1. Create Advanced Layouts Using Tables
    2. Manipulate Colors
    3. Use Style Sheets
    4. Use Frames

  4. Color Theory
    1. Principles
    2. Terminology
    3. Applications
    4. Manipulating Color

  5. Fundamentals of Typography
    1. Understanding Letterform
    2. Typeface Features
    3. Creative Applications of Type

  6. Adobe Fireworks
    1. Tool Set and Features
    2. Graphics Tips and Techniques
      1. Stock Photos
      2. Illustrations
      3. Banners
      4. Text Graphics

  7. Flash Basics
    1. Drawing and Animating Tools
      1. Layers
      2. Scenes
      3. Nested Symbols
      4. Movie Clips
    2. Projects
      1. Logo Animation
      2. Cityscape
      3. Splash Screen
      4. Basic Flash Site Interface

  8. Web Design I
    1. Site Maps
    2. Wireframes
    3. HTML/CSS Layouts
    4. Comps
    5. Color Palettes
    6. Usability Tests
    7. Hands-on Skills: Four Portfolio Projects
All trainings are done with REAL TIME PROJECTS
Training Duration : 3 months
Class Allotment:3 days in a week
Training Fee: Rs. 5,000 only
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