Short Term Training Programmes

On successful completion of the program the candidate would get a certificate pack which would include course training certification, work experience certification and an international certification and also could land with Job opportunities in reputed IT companies, affiliates and group companies with help of Training sscsworld Placement Solutions.

We aim to provide manuals, self-help books and guide books that can improve the quality of your education. Each is written by an expert in his or her field and can be downloaded as an e-book.
PHP Details
This one month training course offers an extended study in open source web programming technologies: the Apache web server, the MySQL database, and the PHP programming language. This training course meets twice a week

At the end of the training course, students should be able to write the code for a database-driven web site with: .
    1. contact us form that sends email programmatically
    2. product catalog drill-down search
    3. registration/login form that authenticates users
    4. guestbook
    5. bulletin board
    6. shopping cart
Apache is the most popular web server in the world. It is free, open-source software and runs on all major operting systems. Configuring it can be difficult, but after this training class you will have a good understanding of how to install it, get it running, and look up documentation on various configuration items.
MySQL is a freely downloadable database server that is commonly used in web applications. In this introductory training class we'll explain:
    1. basic concepts: servers, databases, tables, rows, fields, and Structured Query Language (SQL)
    2. the MySQL server
    3. the MySQL Query Browser
    4. the MySQL Administrator
    5. creating tables with different field data types
    6. granting privileges to users
    7. tools: mysqldump, mysqlshow, mysql.exe
    8. connecting to MySQL from Microsoft Access using a data source
In the lab sections for this topic we'll ask you to convert raw product, customer, and company information from several raw text files into a working relational MySQL database. You'll have to set up users with privileges to access parts of the data.
    1. Our goal will be to produce a "Contact Us" form that validates form data and sends off an email using PHP.
    2. You can connect to a database from PHP and execute SQL commands, it's time to put this into practice. We will try to build a data-driven web site that displays the contents of a product catalog.
    3. To create a content management system using PHP and MySQL. Pattern-matching will be used to identify text placeholders and to strip user-inputted HTML.
    4. Finally we'll put everything together by producing a shopping cart checkout that uses object-oriented PHP for the shopping cart.
Java Details
This training course introduces students to the fundamentals of the Java programming language. Students will learn how to develop object-oriented applications and use Sun Microsystem's Java Development Kit to compile and execute Java code. In addition the student will be introduced to JavaServer Pages and databases with JDBC. At the end of this training course, students will be able to use Java with databases.
    1. The Java Platform:
      After installing the Sun Java Development Kit, we'll define and explain the Java Virtual Machine, the Java Runtime Environment, bytecode, and the difference between .java and .class files. This class will teach students about the fundamental components of the Java platform and the features that make it attractive to businesses and programmers: security, portability, object-orientation, efficiency, and robustness.

    2. Creating Java Applications:
      To create Java Applications, you'll need to understand Java packages, the JDK, the core API, development tools, and JARs. In this training course we'll lead you through all these topics and show you how to incorporate, and leverage the power of, the built-in functionality available in Java
    3. Java Grammar and Fundamental Concepts:
      Every programming language has a grammar dictating how instructions should be written. We'll examine the following aspects of the Java grammar: operators, controlling the program's flow, and data types. This class will also look at some areas where Java is different from other languages, such as fields, methods and garbage collection.

    4. Object-Oriented Programming:
      Saving and retrieving information stored in text files on the hard drive is an important aspect of any programming language. We'll examine Java Streams, which allow for file I/O. This class will also look at the related issue of "serializing" variables for permanent storage and future retrieval from the hard drive.

    5. 5.File Input/Output and Java Streams:
      Saving and retrieving information stored in text files on the hard drive is an important aspect of any programming language. We'll examine Java Streams, which allow for file I/O. This class will also look at the related issue of "serializing" variables for permanent storage and future retrieval from the hard drive.

    6. Databases and JDBC:
      Invariably at some point you will need to store data in a database. As such we will connect JSPs to databases using JDBC and SQL.

    7. JavaServer Pages and the Tomcat Server:
      The internet is a world of information with millions of web pages and with JavaServer Pages (JSP) you can create dynamic web content rapidly. You will learn the basics of JSP, how to set-up Tomcat Servers, embedding Java in JSP pages and using Tag Libraries.
ASP.Net Details
ASP.Net is the next generation of Active Server Pages, designed to be more modular, extensible, and faster. In this five-day training course, students will learn the basics of

Topics include:
  • Determine the structure and components of ASP.Net applications
  • Create web forms with ASP.Net form controls
  • Process <FORM> data with ASP.NET server controls
  • Use ADO.Net to implement data-driven web sites
  • Export XML from ASP.Net applications
  • Use ASP.Net to retrieve and parse XML and save it in a database
  • Define and configure global.asax to control your web application
  • Keep persistent user states via ASP.Net session management
  • Learn how to use web services and build data-driven Web services
  • Debug and deploy your ASP.Net applications
  • Learning to Write Simple ASP.Net Pages
  • Displaying Text in a Web Page and Performing Redirects
  • Passing User Data from Page to Page
  • Saving and Retrieving Data with Cookies
1    Learning to Write Simple ASP.Net Pages
  • Displaying Text in a Web Page and Performing Redirects
  • Passing User Data from Page to Page
  • Saving and Retrieving Data with Cookies

2   Separating and Modularizing your Code
  • Posting Information Back to the Same Page
  • The Benefits Realized from Code-behind Files
  • Taking Advantage of User Controls to Modularize Code

3     Designing Online Forms with Web Controls
  • Creating a Web Form with ASP.Net Web Controls
  • Grouping Elements with List Controls
  • Using DataList Controls to Output Data
  • Enforcing User Input Integrity with Validation Controls
  • Implementing a Calendar with a Calendar Control
4    Managing Databases with ADO.NET
  • Displaying Data from a Database
  • Outputting Dynamic Data with Web Controls
  • Customizing Databound Result sets with Style Sections
  • Customizing Databound Result sets with Templates
  • Updating Tables with Structured Query Language Commands

5     Manipulating Data with ADO.NET DataSets
  • Populating a DataSet from Several Tables
  • Retrieving Data from Joined Tables
  • Outputting Data with a DataGrid Control
  • Merging and Modifying DatSet Records

6     Managing XML Documents with ASP.NET
  • Retrieving and Outputting an XML Document
  • Validating an XML Document with Schema
  • Finding Content and Attribute Values within an XML Document
  • Editing XML Documents
  • Saving XML Documents to the Hard Drive

7     Rearranging XML Data with ASP.NET
  • Writing Data from a DataSet to an XML Document
  • Creating Nested XML from a DataSet Object
  • Reading XML Data into a DataSet
  • Transforming an XML Document with XSLT and Outputting it

8    Separating and Modularizing your Code
  • Configuring an ASP.Net Application
  • Utilizing ASP.Net Error Tracing
  • Managing the Application State
  • Keeping Session Data between Pages
  • Caching Page Output
  • Caching a User Control